How to Make Homemade Almond Milk (video)

You’ve maybe heard by now that cutting back on dairy has a lot of benefits. However, if you’re still a bit skeptical, let me share a few undeniable points:

  • Nowadays, milk (and milk products) are heavily processed, with added (unnatural) agents to extend the shelf life and be able to ship it long distances
  • Milk is high in both saturated fat and sugar
  • Regular milk comes from cows that have been injected with hormones and antibiotics, which we absorb when we drink the milk
  • Dairy tends to be mucus forming, causing gut issues for most people (which then leads to a lot of other issues, including: constipation, gas and bloating, rosacea and acne, sinus problems, and even ear infections)
  • About 75% of people in the world are “lactose intolerant” meaning that genetically, they're unable to properly digest milk and dairy products 
  • Regardless, almost all of us stop producing sufficient amounts of lactase, the enzyme needed to break down dairy, after ages 3-5. So even people who are not fully lactose intolerant tend to feel better (and lighter) when they cut out dairy
  • There’s no evidence that dairy is good for your bones or prevents osteoporosis; actually, the protein that it contains has been known to cause bone loss

You can read more HERE.

I personally saw a huge improvement in my digestion when I cut out dairy from my diet. Now I may enjoy it in small amounts from time to time, but for the most part, I stick to non-dairy alternatives when I need some dairy, which is mostly for my tea/coffee or breakfasts (oats, smoothies or chia puddings).

Almond milk (like other nut and seed milks) provides a healthier alternative to regular milk - it’s lower in calories, fat and sugar, plus rich in fiber and B vitamins. Almond milk is also a lower glycemic option to rice milk, and doesn’t have any hormone disrupting properties like soy milk.

The problem is that store-bought nut milk versions are prepared with preservatives to extend the shelf life, and often have added sugars, as well as other ingredients like carrageenan to alter the consistency.

For that reason, I had been wanting to make homemade nutmilk for a long time. I had heard it was easy, creamy and delicious, so finally gave it a try.

I admit that my first two times weren’t so great because I was using a cheese cloth – and not only did it require straining the milk various times, but it was so messy as milk spilled all over! However, the third time I finally purchased a nut bag, and that made all the difference!

That's when I realized that yes, IT REALLY IS SO EASY! (Note: Nut milk bags are inexpensive and makes the process so simple, so I highly recommend you buy one!).

See below my video on how to make Homemade Almond Milk!

The best part is that you can use this same recipe to make almost any nut/seed milk (including hazelnut, brazil nut, hemp seed, pumpkin or sunflower seed milk).

And you can switch up the flavor, for example, adding raw cacao to make chocolate milk, or a pinch of spirulina to make “green” almond milk.

Here is my favorite, basic recipe. Give it a shot, and please share your feedback!