A Day of Detox Post-Thanksgiving: 9 Steps to Feel Lighter

After your Thanksgiving meal (or any large dinner) you will likely feel lower in energy, heavy, bloated and a bit guilty. I urge you to let go of the guilt, be thankful for your delicious meal, and instead, just focus on getting your body back on (a healthy) track.

The day after your big meal, follow these 9 tips to boost your metabolism, aid your digestion, and get yourself feeling light again!

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A Healthy, Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!! This is such a fun time especially for the kids, but candies and sugary treats are floating around everywhere, and the sugar temptation is huge! It's once a year, so enjoy this funky spooky holiday... but make this year a HEALTHIER one - for both you and your family.

It CAN be done with just a bit more AWARENESS. Today I’m sharing TIPS on keeping your body healthy this Halloween, plus better alternatives to traditional Halloween candy (and more). Check out all my links, and please share with your family and friends so they can stay healthy, too!

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Traveling this Summer? How to Travel Like a Pro

There are a thousand things I love about the summer, and high on my list is the vacation time. But when long flights are involved, I naturally worry about staying healthy, comfortable, and avoiding jet lag.

It's unfortunately common to arrive feeling puffy and bloated from the flight - a huge bummer especially if you're going to the beach!

The air-pressure in planes is low and the air extremely dry, so you naturally get dehydrated, and their food is terribly high in sodium, making it even worse. Then you're stuck in a seat for hours, not moving much - terrible for your circulation. And with the change in settings, your body gets disoriented, causing your digestive system to slow down. 

I travel quite a bit, so I have made it my mission to improve my flying experience. I am proud to say that I have now gone from suffering through yucky plane food and terrible jet lag, to feeling in control and pretty great when I travel. 

So here are 10 THINGS I DO WHEN I FLY to limit any negatives, like the lack of sleep, dehydration, bloating, stiffness, jet lag and stress:

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