My Half-Way Pregnancy Update

This week on Women’s Day I reached my 20-week half-way pregnancy mark, and I feel amazing, so I wanted to share some of the things that have helped me. I share both all of my daily lifestyle practices, and a deeper dive into my diet.

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Best foods for PostPartum – for optimal healing, a healthy recovery and weight loss

POSTPARTUM DIET: A health coach’s guide to holistic postpartum nutrition for optimal healing, recovery and weight loss

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Lactation Energy Balls - the perfect bite for any mom (or dad!)

These no-bake treats take minutes to throw together, are filled with good-for-you ingredients, and make for the perfect quick snack or healthy dessert that are satisfying and won’t spike your blood sugar.

These energy balls are the perfect healthy dessert or snack for anyone, especially new moms. They contain anti-inflammatory healthy fats along with tons of fiber and cinnamon which can help control blood sugar and cravings, promote healthy digestion AND can help with postpartum weight loss. Lastly, these bites help promote milk supply and healthy lactation. Not to mention - they’re so good they’re borderline addictive!

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3 Date Recipes (perfect for pre-labor!)

Dates are packed with nutrition and provide lots of fiber and energy, plus are naturally very sweet, making them ideal for making healthy desserts.

Also, they’re said to be amazing for preparing your cervix for a natural birth, so with that “excuse” in mind, I’ve been making lots of easy, delicious date recipes to have in my last weeks of pregnancy.

Today I’m sharing 3 of my favorite date recipes– all of which are super nutritious, vegan, gluten-free, no added sugar and raw (no baking required!) - and don’t spike your blood sugar (as they’re packed with extra fiber, protein and healthy fats!).

Carob brownie energy balls

Almond & Peanut chocolate butter fudge

Balance with Mariana’s basic energy balls

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8 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy (including prenatal recommendations)

Pregnancy is such a unique and special time in a woman’s life, that really requires love and attention. We are creating life after all! Everything we DO, everything we EAT, and even what we THINK affects the health of our baby. So making natural, healthy choices everyday to maximize our health, our happiness, and that of our baby, is SO important.

So today I share 8 of my best tips for a healthy, happy pregnancy and baby.

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Pregnancy Diet: 12 foods for a healthy mom and healthy baby

To increase your chances of an amazing, healthy pregnancy, birth and baby, you want to focus on eating a real whole-foods diet as much as possible, avoiding processed junk foods, eating a variety of colors, and including these 12 pregnancy “superfoods” as much as possible (in addition to your prenatal vitamin and any other supplements/medicines that your doctor or midwife prescribed).

Check out my blog for 12 super foods you should be eating regularly as part of your Pregnancy Diet, for a healthy mom and baby.

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