A Delicious Fiber- & Protein-Rich Breakfast to Fuel Your Metabolism: Sweet Potato Toast

I’m constantly being asked for new healthy breakfast recipes, as not everyone loves green smoothies (or they get bored of them), and same goes for oatmeal. So I’m always checking out new health trends and experimenting new recipes. Today I’m excited to share with you a healthy, fiber-, protein- and antioxidant-filled breakfast that I love and highly recommend: the SWEET POTATO TOAST. 

I know it may sound weird – “toast” with no toast – but let me tell you, it’s not only becoming a huge trend, it’s actually something that I have been suggesting as a gluten-free alternative to my clients for a while, and have had huge success with. I think it’s mostly because it actually works really well, it’s easy, versatile and DELICIOUS. The sweet potato adds a slightly sweet flavor but without overpowering the flavor of your toppings. Plus, it doesn’t have any inflammatory properties like regular bread (as it’s naturally gluten free), and it’s grain-free / Paleo-friendly.

Additionally, I’m a huge fan because of the added nutritional benefits. Firstly, its high in antioxidants, like beta-carotene that your body converts into Vitamin A, which is essential to strengthen your hair, nails, skin, vision, and immune system. It’s extremely high in fiber, and a great food to help stabilize your hormones. Additionally, it has vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin D and iron. And most importantly, all versions of my Sweet Potato Toast that I’m sharing with you today are high in protein and healthy fats, so my combos help to rev up your metabolism first thing in the day, and keep you full for hours. So, in my book, it’s an ideal breakfast for almost anyone, including those looking to lose weight. 

Here is my basic Sweet Potato Toast recipe with 4 amazing metabolism-boosting versions:

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Stressed? One Easy & Effective Tool to Melt Away Stress

Do you sometimes feel like your to-do list is never ending? Like every time you're finishing one thing, something new pops up, and there's just never enough time in the day to do everything you want to do? Are deadlines freaking you a bit? Maybe your boyfriend/ girlfriend/ husband/ wife are driving you nuts. Or maybe you secretly want to murder your boss or a coworker!

Whatever it is, it's sometimes hard to control the stress and anxiety that builds up from time to time. It happens - we're human, and we're busy people these days. But it is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to find ways to manage your stress and not let it have a catastrophic impact on your health - because it will. 

Luckily, there are many things one can do to help manage stress (read more HERE), but this one simple technique that I'm sharing with you today, almost instantly tells your body that you're not in danger and everything is OK; it stops the production of stress hormones and allows your body to relax.


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8 Ways to Activate Your GENES For Better Health & Weight Loss

One of the most fascinating studies that I've come across is regarding how we can program our genes to improve our health through food and lifestyle choices. YEP. If you eat poorly and live in stress, you make yourself even more susceptible to gain weight, but when you feed your cells the right way, that can start changing the behavior of your genes so that you (and your children) will have a tendency to be thinner and live longer.

We are all born with a FIXED set of genes (aprox 23,000) that determine our physical characteristics such as hair/eye color, and certain childhood diseases. Then we have many more gene mutations, which affect how genes express themselves in your body. And while we cannot change those 23,000 genes, new studies (called epigenetics) show that we CAN change the expressions of these genes, that direct our biochemical processes, and make us more/less likely to get certain health disorders.

Healthy aging is mostly due to how we “communicate” with our genes through our diet and lifestyle. OUR FOOD IS INFORMATION to our bodies, constantly giving “instructions” to our genes. If we eat nutritious, real food, it sends “good health” instructions to our genes. If we regularly eat foods loaded with sugar, trans fats and chemicals, its simply “bad data” for our genes that will stop our body from properly functioning.

Read More to learn 8 of the most important steps that you can take every day to optimize how your genes behave, helping to “turn on” the genes that promote good health (and “turn off” the genes that promote illness): 

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What Oils Should You Be Using in the Kitchen?

I find that one of the biggest topics of confusion is what oils are the healthiest to cook with. And I won’t lie – its confusing for everyone. New discoveries keep arising, and its hard to keep up.

Given all the confusion, I have done my own extensive research on the topic, and wanted to share with you my conclusions and what I apply in my own life to stay healthy. Plus, I’ll clarify a few points for you to keep in mind when choosing your own cooking oils.

First, let me share a few facts / basic tips to keep in mind:

  1. DIFFERENT OILS ARE BETTER FOR DIFFERENT COOKING METHODS. Some oils are better for high heat cooking than others, and that depends on their “smoking point” (the temperature at which oils start to break down and lose nutrients) and on how easily they oxidize. When oils are heated, they react with oxygen and go through a process of oxidation, which can then create harmful compounds – so you want to limit this. Examples of oils with a higher smoking point (can withstand higher heat) and less sensitive to oxidation, include: coconut oil, ghee and grass-fed butter, avocado oil, sunflower oil, and sesame oil.
  2. GET YOUR OMEGA 3’s. Getting the right balance of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acids is important for your health, as too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3 leads to inflammation in your body, which is a precursor to almost all disease. And sadly, most of us are getting a lot more Omega 6 fatty acids than Omega 3, so you want to emphasize increasing the omega-3-rich oils in your diet, such as: flaxseed, walnut, avocado and olive oil.
  3. AVOID TRANS FATS. Different oils have different types of fats, including: SATURATED FATS (solid at room temperature), UNSATURATED FATS (liquid at room temperature) and of course, TRANS FATS (artificial fats created from vegetable oil to make them more shelf-stable). When it comes to saturated vs. unsaturated fats – its hard to generalize whether they’re good or bad for you as it varies per type of oil, but one thing is for sure: Trans fats are BAD, have no nutritional benefit, and should be avoided. Trans fats are found in most: deep-fried foods, store-bought cookies, cakes and pies, in shortening (Crisco), frosting, pancake mixes and refrigerated dough, non-dairy creamers, margarine, and even crackers. So always read ingredient labels and be wary of anything labeled “partially hydrogenated oils”.
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6 Healthy & Delicious Holiday Recipes

The holidays are about enjoying family and friends, and of course, enjoying yourself. But we all know that part of that includes a lot of food - usually in excess, and not so healthy.

The good news is, you absolutely can enjoy yourself, the company, and your meals, without feeling like you need to restrict yourself too much, and more importantly, without feeling heavy and bloated after each meal!

The key lies in taking some time to make a few meals at home, where you can control what ingredients you use, and make sure they are compatible with your preferred healthy diet and lifestyle - while still being holiday-themed and absolutely delicious!

And don't be shy to invite your friends/family to cook with you - its part of the holiday fun!

Here are 5 of my favorite Holiday Recipes that you, your family and friends will love - and are all gluten, dairy and preservative free, use only healthy oils, and no processed junk!

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Is Your Gut Keeping You from Balanced Hormones and Weight Loss?

I work with a lot of people that are seemingly healthy, but struggle to lose those last few pounds. Often, they get tired most afternoons (and rely on coffee), have occasional skin issues, and some digestive issues. That’s when I usually detect that its related to their hormones. The problem then becomes that most doctors just have people treat these hormonal imbalances by taking more hormones, instead of figuring out WHY their hormones are off in the first place. (For ex., you have acne so you get prescribe the pill). But almost always, when there is any hormonal imbalance, there is an issue with the gut.

The first step to achieving optimal health and healing from the inside out is improving your gut health.

An unhealthy gut affects your body’s ability to produce the right quantity of hormones - including cortisol, thyroid hormone and sex hormones. A healthy gut is needed to fully absorb and metabolize nutrients from the foods you eat, which are necessary for the proper production of hormones (and for stress reduction!).

And if you're stressed and your hormones are off (for example, you're producing too much cortisol and/or not enough thyroid), this leads to symptoms such as: weight gain, anxiety, fatigue, as well as imbalances in your sex hormones, menstrual health and infertility.

So what can you do to improve your gut health and achieve hormonal balance, get more energy, better skin, stronger immunity, and weight loss?

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The Best & Worst Sweeteners (updated 2022)

Most of you know the negative effects of excess sugar. Sugar is empty calories that can lead to hormonal imbalances and weight gain, not to mention it’s addictive!

And hopefully, you also know that artificial sweeteners are just as bad for you. They’re filled with potentially harmful chemicals, have no nutrition, and in my experience, trigger more sugar cravings.

But what about all the natural sweeteners that are being marketed as “healthier” alternatives to sugar, such as honey, maple syrup, agave, coconut sugar, stevia, etc.?

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Your Guide to Healthy Fish - Which to Eat & Which to Avoid

Fish is a great source of protein and healthy fat, and in my view, an integral part of a healthy diet. In comparison to other types of meat, fish is generally lower in calories, saturated fat and cholesterol, and easier to digest (which is key, as optimal digestion is the cornerstone to optimal health and weight loss!).

Most importantly, fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids that are ESSENTIAL for your overall health (especially brain and heart health!).

However, its important to be aware that fish contains mercury, which in large amounts, can be toxic to our bodies. Excess mercury has been linked to neurological development issues in babies, as well as many GI and hormonal problems for adults. So it’s absolutely key to limit your intake of high mercury fish.

Also, you must be careful of how the fish is sourced. When the fish is “farm raised”, it's fed substances that can be harmful when ingested. Certain fishing techniques are also posing threats to the environment.

Read more to learn my basic guidelines when eating fish, and the TOP 5 FISH TO EAT & AVOID.

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Why You Should Be Eating More Chocolate

Halloween is around the corner, and many of us are worried about the temptation of all the candy and chocolate all around us.

But the good news is – you CAN indulge in chocolate and stay healthy! Dark Chocolate is loaded with fiber, protein and important minerals (including magnesium and iron) and contains an ideal fatty acid profile. Having about 1 ounce of organic dark chocolate (70-90% cocoa) is a healthy and delicious addition to your diet.

READ MORE for some awesome benefits of consuming dark chocolate, and to learn what to look far and brands I recommend!

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10 Healthy Snacks to Buy When You're On-The-Go

As a holistic health coach and foodie (yes I love eating!), I am a true believer in eating WHOLE FOODS as much as possible, and avoiding most pre-packaged foods. Even for snacks, I find that there are a ton of easy options based on primarily whole food sources that one can easily put together at home the night before and take with you to work/on your trip. (See my previous blog for more on healthy, homemade snacks).

But sometimes, we haven’t had the time to make your own snacks, we’re hungry, and need a healthy option to buy at the local deli market or airport vendor. For those times, I wanted to share some options that are nutritious and “clean” (have little-to-no junk/bad ingredients), and won’t ruin your healthy efforts. Because believe me, most of the snacks you’re used to buying are terrible for your overall health, and even those occasional snacks (unfortunately) add up!

Here are 10 of my favorite on-the-go snacks to buy:

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How to Make Homemade Almond Milk (video)

You’ve maybe heard by now that cutting out dairy (or at least cutting back on milk and cheese in particular) has a lot of benefits. 

I personally saw a huge improvement in my digestion when I cut out dairy (and gluten) from my diet. Now I may enjoy it in small amounts from time to time, but for the most part, I stick to non-dairy alternatives when I need some dairy, which is mostly for my tea/coffee or breakfasts (oats, smoothies or chia puddings).

Almond milk (like other nut and seed milks) provides a healthier alternative to regular milk - it’s lower in calories, fat and sugar, plus rich in fiber and B vitamins. Almond milk is also a lower glycemic option to rice milk, and doesn’t have any hormone disrupting properties like soy milk (which is also usually derived from GMO soy beans).

The problem is that the store-bought nut milk versions are prepared with preservatives to extend the shelf life, and often have added sugars, as well as other ingredients like carrageenan to alter the consistency.

For that reason, I had been wanting to make homemade nutmilk for a long time. I had heard it was easy, creamy and delicious, so finally gave it a try.

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10 Easy, Healthy Snacks That Will Keep You Slim and Energized

I find that so many people are making an effort to eat healthier meals, but still have a hard time achieving their health goals. And when I look at their food journals, I see it...it’s in their snacks! 

I KNOW it’s hard when we’re always on the go. We get hungry when we’re at work or on the road, and the only things we can easily grab are processed, packaged options (filled with sodium, sugar and/or artificial ingredients). And unfortunately, they add up, and make it difficult (if not impossible!) for us to stay healthy and slim.

Making the effort to be prepared and keep healthy snacks on hand will make a HUGE difference in your health.

For a boost of sustained energy (and to support a healthy weight), your snacks should be small, high in protein and fiber, and relatively low in sugar and carbs.

Here are 10 EASY, HEALTHY SNACKS that are filled with BALANCED nutrition to give you the energy you need without packing on the pounds. 

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3 Foods to Combat Stress & Anxiety

When people think of stress, they think mostly of work and deadlines. But there are so many other forms of stress that are impacting your health. And one of the biggest ones comes from the FOOD that you’re putting into your body.

The foods you eat can affect your hormonal balance and create inflammation in your gut, all of which can stress out your body.

Generally, when your body experiences any type of stress, its primary focus becomes controlling that stress. Your body will secrete more cortisol and adrenaline, which tells your system to “restock on the energy supply” even if it’s not really depleted. As a result, it makes you hungry and encourages fat storage. Yikes! (This is why I say, “stress can make you fat!”) Note: everyone is different and people respond differently to stress, but this is what most commonly happens.

And what’s interesting is that certain foods contribute to stress on your body, while others help alleviate it.

What are the key foods that creates stress?  

Coffee, alcohol, sugar, and generally, all heavily processed foods. They increase your stress hormone levels, and will feed the bad bacteria in your gut, causing stress in both your hormones and your gut.

What are the foods that actually help your body stay healthy and combat stress? 

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What I Eat to Keep My Hair Healthy, Strong, Long and Shiny

I love that I’m always getting compliments on my hair, and while part of it is definitely genetics (and luck!), I have come to realize that what I eat has a big impact on the health of my lovely locks. 

Do you want to have shinier, thicker, stronger, sexy hair (that doesn’t easily break or fall out)? Instead of spending a ton of money on products (that are possibly damaging your hair in the long run), focus on increasing the foods in your daily diet that are key for nourishing your hair. (Note: this applies for men, too!)

Here are 7 nutrients (and foods rich in these nutrients) that will help you get fabulous hair:

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An Effective Way to Overcome Your Sugar Addiction

Nowadays, we're eating more and more sugar without even realizing it. 

Sugar is being added to EVERYTHING these days (in packaged foods, supplements, restaurants, etc). It's often disguised as different names, including: honey, agave, cane sugar, date sugar, beet sugar, turbinado sugar, but also less obvious ones like: malt (barley malt or diastatic malt), syrup (corn syrup, maple syrup, carob syrup, rice syrup), evaporated cane juice, maltose, sucrose, dextrose, fructose, glucose, maltodextrin, and more!

And natural sugars also add up. So even if you're not big on desserts, chances are you're still consuming a lot more sugar than you think. (I bet that if you were to actually count the grams of sugar that you eat in a day, you’ll be shocked!)

And the hard truth is - sugar is bad for everyone, not just people at risk of diabetes.

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6 Ways To Make Your Workday A Little Bit Healthier

Staying healthy at the office is a challenge for everyone. There is always someone who brings in sweet treats from recent travel, or it's someone's birthday and cakes are in your face. And then there are the catered lunch meetings where it's just sandwiches and cookies!

I've worked in offices for most of my career, so I can relate. But somehow, in the last few years, I have been able to master the art of staying healthy regardless of where I am. It's not about perfection, but it's definitely about being prepared.

Here are my best tips to keep you healthy at the office:

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Why You Should Add Turmeric to Your Diet

Turmeric is a yellowish-orange colored spice, most commonly used in Indian curries, and is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory and disease-fighting agents on the planet!

It has been used as a medicinal herb in India for years, and recently has been discovered worldwide for its medicinal properties. Studies have shown the benefits of Turmeric to be just as effective (and MORE effective in some cases) than Ibuprofen, Advil, and many prescription medications.

Here are some the proven benefits of curcumin, the most active ingredient in Turmeric:

  • Help lower inflammation. (This is HUGE because low-grade chronic inflammation has been linked to many common diseases, from heart conditions to Alzheimer’s and cancer)
  • Controls blood sugar spikes and insulin resistance
  • Helps regulate high cholesterol
  • Boosts immunity and the antioxidant capacity of our body
  • Helps manage Arthritis symptoms (and generally, works as a pain reliever!)
  • Can lower the risk of heart disease
  • Has anti-cancer properties, helping to prevent the growth of cancer cells
  • Can improve many skin conditions like Eczema, and more!

It's amazing, and a little goes a long way. Plus, it's so easy to incorporate into your diet. Here are some of my favorite ways to use turmeric:


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What I Eat and Drink to Help With a Hangover

Sometimes we all have a bit too much to drink. It happens to most of us. And dealing with the effects the next day are not great, but there are ways to make it easier on your body, so that you suffer a bit less!

The key is staying hydrated and getting some extra targeted nutrition to help your body deal with the loss of fluids and the extra load of metabolizing the alcohol and chemicals.

Unfortunately, the beer, greasy pizza, burger and fries can make it worse! Instead, here are some of the best drinks, foods and supplements that help me beat my hangover symptoms.

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Are Grains Causing You Harm?

I admit that I’m a huge fan of grains and find it hard to completely exclude my beloved quinoa, buckwheat and brown rice from my diet. However, there are many valid arguments as to why we should limit (even exclude) grains from our diet.

First, the positives…WHY SHOULD YOU EAT GRAINS?

Whole grains are a great source of nutrients including magnesium, b-vitamins, potassium, selenium, fiber, and more. But mostly, they’re delicious and so versatile. Small amounts of whole grains (and "seed-like-grains") are an easy and yummy way to create healthy, balanced meals. They also make vegetarian meals a lot easier!

But make sure to choose ones that aren’t causing harm to your body. Avoid refined/milled grains like white flours/breads/cereals, as this also strips them of most the nutrients. I find that the best ones to consume are those that are actually seeds, including Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat and Amaranth. They are naturally gluten-free, higher in protein and lower in carbs than most other grains, and can even help balance hormones.


Grains contain what are commonly referred to as “anti-nutrients”, including Gluten (in some cases), enzyme inhibitors such as Tannins, Lectins, and Phytic acid.

Phytic acid is naturally occurring in plants (found in grains/legumes/nuts/seeds) as part of their “protective” mechanism (against pests/insects), but when consumed by us, phytic acid blocks the absorption of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron, from our diets. It also blocks some of the essential digestive enzymes that help us digest the nutrients from our food.

It’s primarily due to these “anti-nutrients” that many people develop issues from eating grains (same happens with legumes/beans, nuts and seeds). Even if you don’t realize it, eating a lot of grains (particularly those with gluten) is likely creating some inflammation in your gut, which then leads to a whole host of other issues!

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Traveling this Summer? How to Travel Like a Pro

There are a thousand things I love about the summer, and high on my list is the vacation time. But when long flights are involved, I naturally worry about staying healthy, comfortable, and avoiding jet lag.

It's unfortunately common to arrive feeling puffy and bloated from the flight - a huge bummer especially if you're going to the beach!

The air-pressure in planes is low and the air extremely dry, so you naturally get dehydrated, and their food is terribly high in sodium, making it even worse. Then you're stuck in a seat for hours, not moving much - terrible for your circulation. And with the change in settings, your body gets disoriented, causing your digestive system to slow down. 

I travel quite a bit, so I have made it my mission to improve my flying experience. I am proud to say that I have now gone from suffering through yucky plane food and terrible jet lag, to feeling in control and pretty great when I travel. 

So here are 10 THINGS I DO WHEN I FLY to limit any negatives, like the lack of sleep, dehydration, bloating, stiffness, jet lag and stress:

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