8 Effective Weight-Loss Principes to try this year

As we are coming close to the holidays and many of us have gained a few pounds during this pandemic, I figured it was a good time to share some of my best tips for WEIGHT LOSS.

Before diving in, let me share 2 VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS / TIPS:

1) Weight loss is – like most things – a completely personal journey. Every body is different. Our digestions are different, our metabolisms are different, our lifestyles are different…so what works for me, may not work for you. That being said, there are some health principles that help the majority of people with weight loss, and it’s just about customizing it for your age/ gender/ genetics/ lifestyle/ hormones/ metabolism, etc.; basically, for your unique, beautiful body.

2) I really truly believe that most of us are too harsh with ourselves and too demanding. Myself included! So FIRST, take a moment and REFLECT. Ask yourself if you really need to lose weight, and WHY? Is it just to fit under society’s idea of being “thin and beautiful” or do you really feel like your health needs a boost? I urge you to release the need to want to change your body; ACCEPT YOUR BODY AND SHIFT YOUR FOCUS TO GIVING IT MORE LOVE.

However, if your habits could use some healthy uplifting, then by all means, make that effort now to be as healthy as possible and to feel better in your body.

Start by observing what you’re currently already doing, what you could be doing a bit better, what you maybe haven’t tried…. And just remember, if you’ve been trying to lose weight for a while and it hasn’t worked, then the only way it’s going to work is TRYING SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT. So be open-minded and explore new things.


1)     Nix YOUR bad habits. Do some honest introspection. Spend 3 days journaling your eating habits. Are you overeating, until you’re super full 15 minutes after? Are you eating standing up? Are you munching when you’re not really hungry? Are you listening to your body? Are you feeling guilty after eating? Are you eating super quickly without properly chewing? Are you eating unhealthy foods that you know aren’t good for you? Are you “dieting” Monday through Thursday then bingeing on weekends? If any of these ring true for you, then start there. Make a commitment to replace your not-so-healthy habits for healthier long-term habits. Choose just 1 habit at a time to focus on until you’ve improved it.

2)     Limit carbs, especially the processed carbs, but if you’ve already eliminated those, then you may even need to cut back on the “healthy” grains. Notice how many grains you’re eating. Maybe try limiting them to just 1 serving per day, and focus more on getting your carb intake from lower-starch vegetables and lower-glycemic fruits. Try swapping rice for cauliflower rice and pasta for zucchini noodles,.. options are limitless! Remember: blood sugar balance is absolutely paramount to weight-loss.

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3)     Try some degree of Intermittent Fasting by restricting the hours in which you eat, at least a few days a week. If this is new to you, start by allowing for a 12-hour window between dinner and breakfast. Then see if you can increase to 14 hours, maybe even 16 hours. Time-restricted-eating is an easy way to reduce your calories a few days per week, and that window of fasting supports better digestion and internal cleansing (among other benefits).

4)     Avoid indulging in your trigger foods. If there are foods that you tend to overeat, even if they’re “healthy”, avoid them for a while. For me it’s my nut butters and energy balls. While of course they’re healthy, I find it difficult to stop at 1-2 tablespoons of my nut butters or 1-2 energy balls. So if/when I’m trying to lose weight, I know it helps me to keep my nut butters and energy balls out of sight. If your trigger food is ice cream, keep it out of your house (at least for a while until you’re back at your regular weight, and work on making it a casual treat, not an everyday indulgence).

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5)     Exercise. Try to break a sweat at least 4-5 days a week. For many of us, even 6 days a week is doable and amazing, and on your rest day(s) you can still do some light movement such as walking in nature. The best thing is to create an exercise routine that works for you, and stick to it! Find a friend (or many friends) to work out with and to hold you accountable.

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6)     Eat until 80% full. Avoid overeating. I know its easier said than done, but this has to be a priority if you’re working on weight loss. Tell yourself that you can eat a snack if you need to in 2 hours, but stop eating before you’re super full. Maybe train yourself to just serve yourself once. Find what works for you, but for your body weight, digestion and overall health, its important to avoid overeating on a regular basis.

*I admit that this is something I’m currently working on as I find myself overeating almost everyday, so I’m committing to working on this as best as I can… and I invite you to join me!

7)     Do a regular detox. In the modern world we live in filled with processed foods, pesticides, harmful chemicals and all sorts of toxins left and right, after a while it becomes too much for our body to handle detoxing efficiently. Plus, we are often unknowingly eating foods that are creating little bits of inflammation in our bodies, which can accumulate and lead to a toxic build-up and chronic inflammation, an altered microbiome and even a damaged lining of the gut - which really affects your overall health. A good, balanced, supervised detox can help to heal your gut, lower inflammation, lower sugar cravings, boost your energy, and more – by removing the bad stuff (the hard to digest and inflammatory foods) and adding in lots of nutrient dense foods, healthy fiber/prebiotics and probiotics. Doing a gentle cleanse (could be a 7 to 21 day detox) once a year, or even seasonally (4 times/year), is a great way to get back on track and get back to feeling better again.

8)     Work with a HEALTH COACH to help determine the best personalized path for YOU. Email me at ms@balancewithmariana.com for more info on my 1-on-1 health coaching.

Love and intuitive, gentle, lasting weight-loss,
