7 Day Barre Challenge (Arms + Upper Body Focused)

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To help you keep your body active and toned during the Easter holidays (and even afterwards), I have created this 7-day guide with a mini challenge (2-3 minutes) for you to do every day of the week. They are easy exercises that you can do from anywhere, so there is no excuse! And they are SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS; they do not require previous barre experience.

Since this March in Balance Studio we are focusing on the arms, we will do exercises mainly for ARMS and upper body, but always combining with some legs, and of course, a lot of CORE. To learn more about our classes, schedules and prices, go HERE.

How does the challenge work?

It’s easy! Just do each day’s challenge (at any time of your day). It just takes 3 minutes each day. And the idea is for you do it from Monday to Sunday.

You can do only this mini daily exercise (at a minimum), or of course, you can combine it with another workout, for example, you can do it after your exercise of choice (be it a walk, run, or whatever you enjoy)! But if you only have time to do these 2-3 minutes daily, it’s something and you will feel amazing for making the effort.

In addition, we are creating a RAFFLE in which we will gift to 1 lucky winner:

• Pack of 5 classes in Balance Studio (online or face-to-face, whichever you prefer)

• 1 spot in one of my upcoming DETOX workshops (value $ 79 = 7 day detox - $ 99 = 10 day detox) - online and worldwide

• 1 spot in one of my online healthy cooking classes ($ 10 value) - online and worldwide

To participate in the raffle, you’ll need to publish an Instagram story every day tagging @balancestudiomga and #reto7diasbarre. For each post, just put that you’ve completed day "x" of the Barre 7-Day Challenge. If you are shy, no worries, your face does not have to appear in the photo 😉.

Again, it's super easy, you just have to upload an “IG story” every 7 days, and you automatically enter the raffle. But the most important part is for you to actually do the workouts!


Day 1:

1. You stand with your feet parallel and arms extended to the sides, straight, in line with the shoulders. Raise and lower your heels, and at the same time, make CIRCLES WITH YOUR ARMS. Do 2 minutes without stopping (raising and lowering your heels, little circles with your arms). After the first minute, you change the direction of the arm circles.

2. Do 1 minute of LOW PLANK on forearms - you can stay still or add movement, the choice is yours.

* BENEFITS: you work arms, core, balance and calves

Day 2:

1. Standing straight stop, do  extended-leg “TOE TAPS” - you raise your left leg (straight) forward, and touch your foot with your right hand (arm extended forward). Switch, lift your right leg and touch your foot with your left hand. Keep alternating, doing this for 2 minutes.

2. Do 1 minute of HIGH PLANK with straight arms - you can stay still or add movement, the choice is yours.

* BENEFITS: you mainly work core, as well as arms and legs (and balance!

Day 3:

1. Raise your arms up next to your ears (to work your shoulders), and RAISE THE KNEES TO THE CHEST, alternating right and left knee. Do 20 reps, 10 each knee.

2. Bend your arms 90 degrees to the sides, elbows shoulder level (“cactus arms”) and ROTATE your torso, bringing ELBOW TO OPPOSITE KNEE. Do another 20 reps, 10 on each side.

3. Extend your arms to the sides, and RAISE EXTENDED LEGS FORWARD (like kicking), alternating right and left legs. Do 20 reps, 10 each side.

4. “REVERSE” PUSH-UPS for the triceps: Sit, knees bent, hands behind you, with thumbs facing the tail, space between the fingers. Lift your hips and bend your arms, elbows going straight back (working those triceps). Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

** BENEFITS: this warms up the whole body, works shoulders, core, legs, and the twists of the waist are excellent to define your waist (and to detox) *Note: if you are pregnant, do not twist much. And the last exercise works triceps.

Day 4:

1. Standing with feet slightly wider than hips, make fists with your hands and extend your arms forward, alternating right and left arms (BOXING PUNCHES). Do it for 1 minute without stopping. (also option to sit in a wide plie squat while punching).

2. Then place your arms bent at 90 degrees in front of your shoulders (as a boxing guard position) and KICK TO THE SIDE with your right leg to the right (leaning a little to the left). Do it 30 seconds with the right leg, then switch, 30 seconds with the left leg (1 minute total).

3. Lastly, RUN IN PLACE as fast as you can, for 30 seconds.

* BENEFITS: you work arms, core, waist and legs (and again balance) and cardio!

Day 5:

1. Extend your arms up above by your ears, and OPEN AND CLOSE YOUR HANDS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE - for 1 minute without stopping. To add a little extra, raise (and lower) your heels at the same time.

2. Extend your arms to the sides, arms slightly below shoulder level with palms facing backward, and MOVE YOUR HANDS BACK quickly, from the wrist. Flicking your wrists, engaging your triceps. Do this for 1 minute (also option to raise / lower heels).

3. Finish with PUSH-UPS, 20 reps, hands wider than the shoulders, going as deep as possible (on the knees or extended legs, the option is yours!).

* BENEFITS: you work chest and shoulders, core to maintain posture (and legs if you raise heels in 1 and 2)

Day 6:

1. In HIGH PLANK position (arms straight, shoulders over hands, and legs straight), TOUCH OPPOSITE SHOULDERS - for 1 minute.

2. Shift to SIDE PLANK to the right, raising the right arm up, right foot on top of left (if it’s too much for you, bend the right leg supporting the foot in front of the left leg) - for 1 minute (option to add hip movement, raise right leg, etc.)

3. Switch sides - SIDE PLANK to the left, left arm up - for another 1 minute (same as before, modify if needed, or raise it to the level that challenges you by adding movement)

* BENEFITS: you work the sides, core, shoulders and a little chest / back

Day 7:

Add a little cardio!

1. In high PLANK, bring KNEES TO THE CHEST quickly (MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS). Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

2. For another 30 seconds, do the CHAMELEON movement. Keeping arms straight in high plank, bring your hips back toward your feet, bending your knees. Then return to high plank, without bending your arms, using the strength of your legs to move back and forth.


* BENEFITS: you do cardio and work shoulders, core, also a little back and legs



You finished the challenge! Congratulations! Now hopefully you’ll return to (or start) our full hour, full-body barre classes (and all the varieties we offer).