A Day of Healthy, Blood-Sugar Stabilizing Meals

The foods we eat have SO MUCH power over our blood sugar, hormones, weight, mood, energy, and essentially, our overall health and happiness. If we want to FEEL good (and LOOK good!), we have to focus on eating heathy, balanced meals that help keep blood-sugar stable.

Blood sugar problems are at an all-time high, with about half of American adults (and millions more worldwide) being prediabetic or suffering from full-blown type 2 diabetes. 

Even if you’re not diabetic/pre-diabetic, you still have to be mindful of glucose-spiking meals, because again, keeping stable blood sugar is KEY to great health.

If you often get “hangry” or commonly crave carbs or sugary foods, you’re likely experiencing regular blood sugar “imbalances” (lots of spikes then lows), and over time, this can lead to more health problems including weight gain, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, heart issues, and so much more.

Every meal you eat will either feed health or feed disease. Every time you sit down to eat is another opportunity to nourish your body with foods that serve as natural medicine.

What does a day of blood-sugar stabilizing meals look like?

Here is one of my go-to days of blood-sugar balancing delicious meals (meals that while using a CGM kept my blood sugar stable, despite enjoying relatively big portions and even dessert!)

*Remember: we are all bio individuals and we all respond differently to foods so it’s really important to learn to listen to your own body. That being said, there are many foods (and combinations of foods) that have been studied to help regular blood sugar (MORE HERE) and today I am sharing some of my regular delicious meals that keep me satiated, with good digestions, good energy, and my blood sugar stable.

Here is a typical day of meals for me at the moment (when I’m being good!):


*Click on the links for the recipes! Also, this is just one typical day for me, with only a few of the many healthy recipes that I make regularly. If you want more, reply /shoot me a message!

* I always have dessert, usually after both lucnh and dessert, and still I stay healthy and keep blood sugar stable. So YES you can enjoy the foods you love and stay healthy, too (with a few tweaks, perhaps)! Read HERE and HERE for more tips on keeping glucos stable!

Hope you give my recipes a shot, and stay tuned as soon I’ll share them in Spanish, too.

Wishing you a lifetime filled with healthy, delicious, blood-sugar-stabilizing meals,
