Need a boost of energy? Try these tips and recipes

I get lots of questions regarding what to do to increase energy, especially in the morning, without needing to rely on extra caffeine.

I first recommend to pay closer attention to your day to day habits. We are often overlooking the most important factors that drain our energy, so let’s start with that. Then today I’m sharing 2 AMAZING RECIPES to start off your day in the best way, to boost your energy (and metabolism!) throughout the day.


What habits drain our energy?

Some of the most common triggers include:

  • not enough sleep

  • always rushing without taking time to pause and breathe consciously

  • constant stress and anxiety, overthinking and over-worrying

  • sugar and excess carbs

  • overeating

  • dehydration

  • suboptimal levels of vitamins and minerals

  • sedentary lifestyle


To start off, we want to address these above mentioned (often overlooked) issues to boost our energy levels. THEN we can look to ADD certain superfoods to give our bodies that extra boost of energy to make us feel amazing.



1.      IMPROVE SLEEP HABITS. Having an evening routine is so important and helpful, so is proper nutrition, exercise and regular stress reduction. Of course, certain supplements like magnesium, chamomile, melatonin and even CBD can help, too. And making the effort to get to bed earlier! HERE IS A BLOG where I delve deeper into sleep tips!

2.      DAILY MOVEMENT. REGULAR EXERCISE sends oxygen and nutrients to your body’s cells, helps your heart and lungs to work more efficiently, and boosts your energy levels. I’m a huge fan of exercising daily for overall health benefits. Yes you can have your rest days, but on those rest days, move your body in more gentle ways like a restorative yoga class or a walk in the park.

3.      DAILY STRESS MANAGEMENT. We waste a lot of energy when we are stressed, anxious, over thinking, overdoing, rushing around, etc. Taking a few moments each day to BREATHE DEEP, to pause our rushed schedules, helps A LOT to avoid those afternoon energy dips, and of course, helps our mood. HERE IS A BLOG WITH 17 TIPS TO MINIMIZE STRESS.

4.      AVOID OVEREATING; EAT UNTIL 80-90% FULL. We’ve all been there after a meal where we ate too much, we can’t button our jeans and feel we need a nap or we’ll collapse. What we don’t realize is that if we are consistently eating too much and feeling full, we’re taxing our digestive systems which is depleting our energy on a regular basis. If we start eating the amount our body needs and not more, our energy improves.

5.      BE CAREFUL WITH PORTIONS OF CARBS; AVOID EXCESS CARBS. When we eat too much carbs in a meal, it can lead to a blood sugar spike, followed by a crash 1-2 hours later, which can make us feel weak and tired. Not to mention all the other negative effects of elevated blood sugar, and all the BENEFITS that come with cutting back on carbs. This doesn’t mean you have go to extremes, but you can start experimenting with some LOW-CARB SWAPS (ex. Cauliflower rice instead of rice, zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash instead of pasta, and tortillas made with almond flour or coconut flour instead of regular white flour. Also, try to focus on eating HIGHER FIBER CARBS such as sweet potatoes, beans/chickpeas/lentils instead of white rice, white potatoes and white flour). Here are 6 LOW CARB ZUCCHINI RECIPES.

6.      HYDRATE REGULARLY. Start your day with 2 large glasses of water, and if you have coffee complement it with another glass of water! HERE IS A BLOG ON HYDRATION and its benefits.

7.      TAKE YOUR VITAMINS. Here are basics that I recommend, but additionally, if you’re struggling with low energy, you may be in need of extra B-vitamins, specifically b12 which is known to support energy production and keep your blood cells healthy and happy! More on B-vitamins HERE.

8.      INCLUDE ENERGY BOOSTING SUPERFOODS INTO YOUR DAILY DIET. I’m a huge fan of green juices and powdered GREEN SUPERFOODS (which you can add to your smoothies and smoothie bowls) as a source of energy. Additionally, organic MATCHA green tea is AMAZING for boosting energy while also reducing stress (and doesn’t give you the jolt of adrenaline that coffee does, which can be taxing to your nervous system). Also, some apoptogenic herbs (healing plants that help balance and restore the body’s natural ability to handle stress by regulating the adrenal system) like MACA, ashwagandha, rhodiola and holy basil can help to lower your stress and boost your energy. Lastly, I’m a huge fan of CHIA SEEDS (and chia seed pudding) to boost energy; this tiny seed is packed with omega-3 fatty acids and has been shown to help boost brain power, improve digestion, combat inflammation, and more. HERE IS MORE ON SUPERFOOD BOOSTERS TO ADD TO YOUR DAILY SMOOTHIES.


After addressing these 8 points, it’s time to add in your energy boosting recipes!

  • Matcha Chia Pudding

  • Green Energizing Smoothie Bowl -with matcha and maca



Matcha Chia Pudding


  • ½ cup hot water ⁠

  • ½ -1 teaspoon matcha powder (see notes)

  • ½ scoop vanilla protein powder (ideally with superfood greens)

  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract 

  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon 

  • ¼ cup chia seeds⁠

  • ½ cup coconut milk + 1 tablespoon 


  1. In a large Mason jar (16oz), dissolve the matcha powder in ½ cup of hot water. Add protein powder and mix again (option to blend). Option to start with 1/2 tsp matcha (see notes). Add vanilla and cinnamon. 

  2. Add chia seeds and half the coconut milk and stir. ⁠Add remaining coconut milk and stir well for 1-2 more mins. Place in fridge and allow to sit for at least 3 hours or ideally overnight.⁠


  1. If you’re not used to the taste of matcha, start with ½ tsp, if you’re already a matcha lover increase to 3/4 or 1 tsp.

  2. See my Amazon Store for protein powders i like. For this recipe the idea is to add “superfood greens” so I’d go with Amazing Grass superfood protein or Navitas organic essential superfoods or if you’re a new mom, I love Majka green vanilla nourishing powder or replenishing powder.

ENERGIZING GREEN SMOOTHIE BOWL – with maca, spirulina and matcha

Ingredients (serves 1 large bowl)

  • 1 cup almond milk (or nut milk of choice)

  • 1 tsp organic maca powder (raw or gelatinized, both work)

  • ½ tsp organic matcha powder

  • ½ tsp spirulina powder (or 1 tsp powdered superfood greens)

  • 1 cup frozen cauliflower rice (or can be fresh cauliflower chopped, steamed, cooled then frozen)

  • 1 cup frozen spinach or kale (can use fresh, chop, steam, cool & freeze)

  • 1-2 tablespoons almond butter (+ extra to decorate) 

  • 2 medjool dates, pitted 

  • 1-2 cm peeled ginger root (or ½ tsp powdered)

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds (or flaxseeds)

  • 1 serving vanilla protein powder (ex. SunWarrior blend, ALOHA, Raw Garden of Life, Nutiva, BeWellByKelly, VitalProteins collagen in vanilla). note: chocolate protein powder works, too!

  • Optional: 1/4 cup coconut yogurt or frozen coconut or dried coconut 


  1. Add all ingredients to your blender and blend! If needed add more liquid.

  2. Option to decorate with almond butter and other toppings of choice (ex shredded coconut, extra nuts/seeds, granola, chia pudding, sliced banana,..)





  • * ½ taza de agua ⁠

  • * ½ -1 cucharadita de matcha

  • * ½ scoop proteína sabor vainilla (con superfoods verdes)

  • * ½ cucharadita extracto de vainilla

  • * ¼ -½ cucharadita de canela 

  • * ¼ taza semillas de chía⁠

  • * ½ taza leche de coco + 1 cucharada


1. Mezclar el polvo de matcha con ½ taza de agua caliente en un tarro Mason grande (16oz). Agregar proteína en polvo y mezclar nuevamente (opción para mezclar). Agregar vainilla y canela.

2. Agregar semillas de chia y la 1/2 de la leche de coco, revolviendo constantemente. Agregar leche de coco restante. ⁠Revolver durante 1-2 minutos más. Colocar en el refrigerador y dejar reposar durante la noche.⁠


SMOOTHIE BOWL ENERGIZANTE – con maca, matcha y spirulina


  • * 1 taza de leche de almendras (o leche vegana de elección)

  • * 1 cucharadita de maca en polvo

  • * ½ cucharadita de polvo de matcha orgánico

  • * ½ cucharadita de espirulina en polvo (o 1 cucharadita de “superfoods verdes” en polvo)

  • * 1 taza de arroz de coliflor congelado (o puede ser coliflor fresca picada, cocida al vapor, enfriada y luego congelada)

  • * 1 taza de espinaca o kale congelado (se puede usar fresca, picada, cocida al vapor, enfriada y congelada)

  • * 2 dátiles (sin la pepa) 

  • * 1 a 2 cucharadas de mantequilla de almendras (+ extra para decorar)

  • * 1-2 cm de raíz de jengibre pelada (o ½ cucharadita en polvo)

  • * ½ cucharadita de canela

  • * 1 cucharada de semillas de chía (o linaza)

  • * 1 porción de proteína en polvo de vainilla (sugiero vegana o a base de colágeno)

  • * Opcional: 1/4 taza yogur de coco (o coco congelado o coco seco)

  1. Instrucciones:

  2. Agregar todos los ingredientes a una licuadora y mezclar bien hasta suave h cremoso. Opción de decorar con mantequilla de almendras y otras toppings de elección (por ejemplo, coco rallado, nueces/semillas, granola, chia pudding, banano en rodajas, ...)