A Key Element for a Healthy, Happy Brain (and 5 steps to take now)

Do you ever feel forgetful, with brain fog, stressed or depressed?

Do you dream of always feeling HEALTHY, HAPPY, CLEAR-MINDED, ENERGETIC and VIBRANT?

If yes (I hope so), then you need a healthy GUT (aka digestive system). The gut-brain connection is extremely powerful, which means that a huge part of having a healthy mind is having a healthy “gut”.

Let me explain briefly…

If you’ve ever felt butterflies in your stomach when nervous, or nauseous when scared, you KNOW your gut is sensitive to your emotions, stress and mental chatter. And the reverse is also true. The health of our gut has a direct effect on our brain and mood.

Poor digestion from too much processed foods, bad food combinations, or poor elimination (ex. not pooping properly) can have a huge negative impact on your mood, energy levels, mental clarity (and more!).

Hos is this possible? Because the two are connected in what is called the Gut-Brain Axis, which consists of millions of nerves and neurons that run between your gut and brain, and reseach shows that by altering the bacteria in your gut and strenghening your digestion, it may be possible to improve your brain health.

So what is one step we can start implementing TODAY to begin improving our mental health in a holistic way?

We need to first observe our digesiton to see what are the factors causing it ‘harm” (see my list below) and then start improving our gut (via our daily habits) in order to positively impact our brain.

What are the main culprits of an unhealthy gut (that can translate to mind and mood issues)?
The biggest culprits include:

  • Processed foods, including refined grains

  • Sugar (and fake sugars)

  • Alcohol

  • Lack of sufficient fiber and not enough variety of plant foods

  • Lack of both probiotic and prebiotic rich foods (and not enough postbiotic, aka short chain fatty acids that are key for our gut health)

  • Excess or long-term use of medications especially antibiotics

  • Not enough sleep and/or poor quality of sleep

  • Not enough regular movement / exercise

  • Stress (and not enough stress management)

  • Excess use of antibiotics and other medications including NSAIDs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

All of these factors contribute to an unhealthy “gut” with “unhealthy bacteria” that can cause you to feel bad and contribute to feelings of anxiety, stress, and unhappiness.

The solutions?

Five of the best things we can do regularly to build a healthy gut (and support a healthy, positive mind) are:

  1. Eat a diet rich in whole, plant-based foods (rich in fiber and prebiotics). We need variety and color! Foods like berries, apples, cabbage, sweet potato, broccoli, kale, squash, avocado, as well as nuts and seeds, some whole grains… all amazing! 

  2. Eat probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut and coconut yogurt (and take a supplement, too)

  3. Eat plenty omega-3 fatty acids (and take a supplement, too)

  4. Focus on daily stress management, Adapt one or more daily practices of deep breathing, meditation (or some form of being still and silent for a few minutes) and/or journaling. Stress is a top contributor to almost all digestive disorders!

  5. Do a detox (once or twice a year is usually ideal) to help clean up your gut (and boost your mood!)

Start applying these 5 tips and you will no doubt see an improvement in your gut, and your brain, getting you closer to that dream of feeling vibrant, energetic and joyful!

Love, Health and Happiness,


Related articles:

Gut healing: 5 foods to avoid and 5 foods to enjoy for a healthy gut

9 tips for a great poop

Connection between weight and your gut

Feed your gut: Prebiotics, Probiotics and Postbiotics